Earth Day: Paperless Coffee

Go Green

#organic #ecofriendly #paperless #goGreen

What do these hashtags have in common? A new philosophy.

Many organizations have been taking up this philosophy in their work ethics. Recycling is now not just an option, but is now a requirement. Starbucks did not always have the split trash cans that we see today. Bank of America did not always have the “go paperless” option. Sprinkles Cupcakes serves their cupcakes with wooden forks, spoons, knives, and plates made out of recycled material. These are only few of the new trend and philosophy of our generation.

Taking responsibility for our actions. What does this have to do with coffee? According to International Coffee Organization (ICO), 141.6 million bags of coffee beans are consumed. By 2020, it is expected to increase by 175.8 million bags (Article). Out of those million bags of coffee beans, how many are taken to-go? Can you imagine how many paper cups are used daily, monthly, or even yearly? As much as I love coffee, it is important to note how much waste it could cause.

So how do we, as daily coffee consumers, take part in this philosophy?

Simple. Go paperless.

Many coffee shops are taking part in this by providing a discount if you bring your own mugs or tumblers.  When you are on to go, take in your tumbler. Starbucks, for example, provides a 10 cent discount for bringing your own cup. That 10 cent might not seem much, but you are helping to reduce your footprint. According to Starbucks, bringing your own cup pays for itself in just 10 uses. If you use it daily for a month you will save a pound of paper or 3.5lbs of wood (Article).

As Earth Day is coming up (April 22), I hope all our coffee lovers will be able to take responsibility to reduce our environment footprint.

You Are Here Chicago
You Are Here Chicago Mug

Starbucks have great tumblers and mugs! I have been starting to collect their “You Are Here” series mugs. Instead of wasting my money and buying useless souvenirs, I buy the “You Are Here” mug for the city. I recently went to Chicago over spring break and of course what did I purchase? Two mugs. Yes, mugs. A “You Are Here” mug and a mug from one of my favorite coffee shops, Intelligentsia (keep posted for a future CUP post) Who says coffee can’t go paperless? *all photos by rachelBeans

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